Are you waiting to purchase a home in San Diego and asking yourself when’s this real estate market freight train going to slow down? When is the madness going to ...
I’ll never forget the moment when I realized that Covid was a big deal. I’d heard rumors and read news articles, but my optimism led me to believe that this ...
Up or Down? Where is the Real Estate Market Headed Next? The housing market has been on fire for the last year. Just in the last twelve months, Phoenix appreciated ...
Are you tired of all the unfounded optimism about our economy? Do you want to know the real, unvarnished truth about how the coronavirus is affecting the housing market? In ...
Maybe you’ve been considering purchasing a home for awhile now and you’re wondering “should I buy a house now with all this Coronavirus craziness?” Or perhaps you’ve been thinking about ...
In 2008 when everything went haywire we saw a MASSIVE influx of foreclosures on the market. You couldn’t drive down any residential street without seeing three or four bank-owned properties ...
One of the biggest questions in the real estate market right now is “should I sell my house?” Well let’s walk through a few scenarios when it might make sense ...
We are in a crazy time right now, folks! With the Coronavirus shaking things up and changing life as we know it, I wanted to give you some insight on ...
These market conditions can be challenging to buying or selling your home. Be armed and ready to make the right decisions