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Our Team

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Think about all of the people involved in making your favorite resort the experience it is: Bellmen, check-in clerks, maids, designers, architects, builders, investors and so forth. Every person, whether you see them or not, plays a specific role in creating a holistic and enjoyable experience for you.

The real estate industry is largely comprised of individual agents who manage every part of a real estate transaction. That’s like asking the valet guy to cook and deliver your breakfast, make your bed, design the lobby, and build the pool!

To optimize this old approach for our clients, we have adopted a team model in which each member of our team has a specific role and brings a unique skill set and expertise to their position.

So take a breath, relax, and know that our team is here to give you a world-class resort experience!

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Meet The Team

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Growing up, John’s father told him that he could be anything he wanted to be, except for a banker or a Real Estate Agent. So, in 2003, after earning a Finance degree from ASU, John promptly began a full-time career in real estate. Now, of the more than forty thousand agents in Arizona, John ranks in the top 100. His dad has since changed his mind.

One of John’s greatest strengths is in seeing connections that are not always obvious. His ability to think laterally has secured deals and solved problems for our clients that would otherwise seem impossible. For example, in seeing that clients often struggle with purchasing a new home at the same time they need to sell theirs, John created a system in which our clients can “trade up” their homes, optimizing the auto industry’s approach to the same problem.

John has also assembled a passionate team to support our clients in every facet of buying or selling their homes. He is proud to be the catalyst of change within the real estate industry and within the lives of hundreds of clients throughout the years!

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Jeremy is our team’s most careful thinker, and his methodical and detail-oriented approach is a balance within a team of fast decision-makers. As an extension of his calculated way of thinking, Jeremy received both a Bachelor’s degree and an MBA in Finance from ASU.

While Jeremy began his career in the investment world, 2007 marked his transition into real estate with a focus on developing and restructuring residential communities and commercial properties. With over one billion dollars worth of real estate transactions under his belt, Jeremy is an exceptionally knowledgeable advocate for our clients. He is also a great ally for people who are seeking investment properties or who plan to remodel their home after purchase, as he flips several properties a year and has an uncanny ability to see value where others may not.

Jeremy, Adrianne, and their three children (Braylen, Winston, and Georgia) live in the Arcadia area and believe there is no better place to raise their family.

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Brad is a fourth-generation Arizona native and has been rooted in this state’s culture and community for his entire life. Brad also carries a true passion for everything he does and has had great success because of it. From touring across the country in a successful rock band to being a restaurant founder, owner, and operator, Brad brings an unparalleled level of energy and customer service to our clients.

In June of 2015, Brad married his beautiful wife Liz (who already shared the same last name as Brad, just spelled a little different!). They love new adventures, traveling, and being active together.

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Garett is an Arizona native born and raised. He spent 5 years in Newport Beach, California chasing his dream of becoming a rock star. Needless to say, he has a passion for playing and performing music. He currently leads worship at Central Christian Church and for various Young Life events.

Garett came onto our team with a background in fundraising for elementary schools. He was the lead developer for a national company and designed leadership programs to encourage elementary students to live out their full potential- and to change the world! He brings this same passion of encouragement and care into real estate. His desire is to make sure everyone he encounters knows that they are important and valued. Garett is a tremendous asset to our team.

Garett and his wife, Tessa, live in the Phoenix area with their tortoise. They are involved in Young Life at Grand Canyon University and host a weekly gathering of 20 or so college students who want to grow in their faith and community. They love working on projects around their house and binge-watching Netflix series.

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Ashley is our Listing Coordinator and she can’t wait to help you get your house ready for the market! She comes to us with an extensive real estate background of over 12 years working directly with banks on listing their internal foreclosed properties. Ashley also serves as John’s assistant (and right-hand woman!) where no task is too big or small for her to tackle!

She was born and raised in Medford, Oregon. She moved to San Diego, California when she was 13 where she met her now husband, Hubert, when she was just 15. They have been together longer than they haven’t been! She loves to hang out with her husband and their two rescue dogs, Bruno and Panda, working out, traveling, and hanging out with friends!

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Tyler Mathews real estate knowledge and business sense are heavily influenced by his 10-year ownership of a high-profile design-build firm. The company was founded while attending college on a full-ride golf scholarship with the help and guidance of his business partner and father Les. Together, they built the company from the ground up, weathered a tremendous downturn in the economy, and continued to build award-winning projects while maintaining a flawless reputation. After a healthy run of high-end construction, and multiple residential home flips, both decided to pursue new business ventures and sold the company. Selling real estate was a natural next step and has been his passion ever since.

Tyler, his wife Ashley, and their son Caleb love all that San Diego has to offer and enjoy spending time in the outdoors exploring, fishing, and kicking back at numerous beaches.  You can occasionally find Tyler on the golf course, but his game isn’t quite what it used to be!

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Joseph has spent the last decades in Arizona and loves all that Phoenix has to offer. Joseph has a background in luxury hospitality and brings his world-class customer service training and skills to his Real Estate career. His knowledge and dedication to caring for his clients is what he is best known for. Joseph has the ability to solve problems in unique ways and he thrives when things seem at their most stressful.

Joseph, his wife Brea, and their three children live in Chandler. They live close to the rest of their family and make time with them a priority. They have a passion for serving God and their family. When time permits Joseph and his family love taking family trips to Disneyland and creating family memories.


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